Sunday, September 13, 2009

Steve Ray Smith of ad-ventures4u

Steve Ray Smith is the owner of ad-ventures4u revenue sharing program. It has operated smoothly for almost a year. Members who bought ventures in there were happy for the large return of their money. A lot of them actually profited from his online advertising company. Those members referred a lot of new members who eventually upgraded after being convinced that they can double or triple their money after few months. However lately, Steve Ray Smith announced that he will stop sharing revenues to those members who already profited from ad-ventures4u. According to him, he will only share revenues to those who haven't profited from ad-ventures4u. Members were alarmed because a lot them haven't actually profited and that they have large ventures in there. When I say ventures, it was their investment.One venture is equal to 1 dollar and members have hundreds or thousands in there. It really cause a lot panic to those who have large money invested in there. Actually I myself is a pro member of ad-ventures4u and I'm glad that I did not put money that I can't afford to loose in that program. When I upgraded, I knew that this program will eventually stop sharing revenue but I did not expect that it would happen too soon. With 28% profit monthly of your total investment, I believe that it would just be a matter of time before the company could sustain the monthly payment that they will have to pay to members. I knew that the company is relying greatly from new members money who upgrades. Although there's the advertising income, I don't think that it would cover the total percent of revenues that ad-ventures4u promised to share.

As of this writing, members of ad-ventures4u were paid 20% of their total ventures. Steve Ray Smith claims that he will continue sharing revenues on his other cash4gold site. I'm not sure about the details of how he's gonna implement that sharing plan. All I know is that he's working on it. I received 20% revenue share of my money invested. I hope that I can get the other 80% plus profit soon if Steve Ray Smith is going to do what he promised. I will post an update of this later...


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